Significant Role Of Agriculture In Indian Economy

In India, we have a growing population of 1.3 Billion and it has 70 percent of its population is still living in remote regions whose basic economic occupancy is agriculture farming.

Contrary to India’s Green revolution, there have been decade-long improvements in everything from better knowledge of grain crops, and the establishment of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research to the integration of technology in farming.

Now, India is in the top three positions in the common production of wheat, rice, cotton, peanuts, pulses, fresh fruits, and numerous vegetables. This adds up to foreign asset collections of some 40 Billion with export to some 120 countries.

India counts as the seventh-largest position of global agricultural export over a ten-year period. These global export are done to developed countries such as the U.S. and European Union, SAARC, and Asian countries like Japan.

Wheat and rice are common food stables eaten throughout the world and India stands at the second position in its produce. There is a one-to-one connection between agriculture industrial production and required vital raw materials derived as bi-products for the smooth operation of the textile industry in India.

Agricultural processed products such as Sugarcane is traditional farming, and the export of dry fruits and similar productions and the export of spices is well-known from the times of Vasco da Gama. Coffee and cotton are considered cash crops in terms of the economic revenue generation system of a country. Export revenue comes from the plantation of coffee, tea, and rubber, a state Darjeeling is almost famous for it.

Cotton is significant for domestic cloth manufacturing units which adds up to the global need for ethnic wear from India. To contribute to its overall growth Indian government has established agriculture universities for research and teaching. A dedicated Science stream is B.Sc. Agriculture program that consists of educational curricula such as-modern techniques in agriculture, agriculture soil science, use of modern scientific farming equipment, water resource management, animal and poultry management, basics of biotechnology and land surveying, etc.

Concept building and theory education broaden basic to advance training in agriculture science. This includes research-based studies that enhance productivity in agriculture farming. The Research and Development Sector associated with this field is a promising one. After completing relevant M.Sc. and Ph.D. courses, one may build a career in that sector. Soft Skill & Aptitude Training by corporate trainers further helps polish the skills learned by students

Some well-known job profiles available for aspirant Agriculture fresh Graduates are:

Quality Assurance Officer

Research Officer

Agriculture Officer

Agriculture Loan Officer (in Banks)

Operations Manager

Farm Manager

Production Manager

Looking for Top B.Sc. Agriculture College in Uttarakhand 2020, JBIT is the perfect college for a brilliant beginning, recognized as the Best College for Training & Placement in Uttarakhand- 2019 by DH & UTU 2019.
