How Robots Are Not As Simple As You Think

A humanoid robot is a robot with a metallic body shape configuration that resembles a real human person. Humanoid robots have a built-in torso, a head, two arms, and two legs that add up to the responsive functionalities of reflex action.  Some humanoid robots also have facial appearances such as eyes and mouths.

One such robot that made the headlines was the robot, “Sophia“, which is a humanoid robot. The makers of Sophia gave the shape to the robot, as feminine with the delicate looking exterior, “brown eyes“, and, “eyelashes“. This humanoid robot has been given the first-of-its-kind, “citizenship”, especially to a “robot” in Saudi Arabia. The humanoid words were spoken by, the robot Sophia was a, “thank you message”, given to the nation, of Saudi Arabia, as Sophia, said she felt honored to have been the “first robot”, in the world to have given citizenship. Speaking to the press media, Sophia presented all the facts and figures of a typical human being, except the metallic cap on her head.

There is another, “masterpiece robot”, that resembles a human and behaves the same as if you are talking to a “real person”, that is, “ASIMO”. The makers of, “Robot ASIMO”, have given it the functionality to completely interact with humans, making use of, “reflex actions”, such as recognizing, “sounds“, and, “faces“. ASIMO detects gestures of the objects, moving around and completely, “mimics human postures“.

The characteristics of a humanoid robot are, the technology behind it, as the maker of the robot, installs the latest recent technology, so that the robot can, “amaze“, the people around with, “real human-like activities, that a real human does. As we know that robots are the brainchild of a mechatronics engineer, a person who is a master in mechatronics engineering, which is a multidisciplinary branch of, “engineering”, focusing on engineering of both electrical and mechanical systems, inside the humanoid robot

Mechatronics engineering includes a comprehensive combination of electronics, computer systems, robotics, telecommunications, control, and product engineering. This humanoid robot ASIMO is provided with artificial intelligence making it more intelligent with electrons assembly of sophisticated sensor visual capabilities. These visual capabilities are achieved with the form of two cameras “eyes” located inside of its head, the robot ASIMO easily detects the movements of multiple objects making human-machine interaction a reality.

Robot ASIMO behaves like a human being easily walking on foot thus taking “human similar steps” while calculating and estimating the nearby distance to avoid collisions. The walking robot achieves walking capabilities through direction via inbuilt visual information by its powerful electronic circuitry thus making it a complete human being. ASIMO robots are intelligent by nature as the audience who interacts with a human being is able to talk and converse, even handshake ASIMO robot, with artificial reflex movements, as he speaks back to you with human gestures communicating and responding with a verbal answer in different languages.

The recognition power of a robot is exceptional as robot ASIMO can effectively recognize humans such as 10 different faces and address them by their name. Mechatronics is a branch of engineering that originated from the core engineering branch of mechanical engineering and electronics engineering. A dedicated study in mechatronics engineering helps in designing and developing human walking robots.  At JBIT best engineering college in Dehradun for computer science, there is an E-yantra lab setup initiative (eLSI) which is a robotics lab in association with IIT Bombay for imparting mechatronics courses teaching basics to advance courses in robotics.