Happy Engineer’s Day 2020 In India Tuesday, 15 September

On the occasion of Happy engineers day, we would be remembering Sir Mokshagundam Visvesvaraya who is more commonly known as Sir MV was born on 15 September 1860 and lived till 14 April 1962.

The wonderful occasion of His birthday, 15 September, is celebrated in India as Engineers’ Day in India, as well as in other countries such as Sri Lanka and Tanzania.

Because of his intellectual qualities and engineering pioneer work in India Sir MV received India’s highest honor award, the Bharat Ratna, in the year 1955.

Highlighting some of the craftsmanship and unique work of his time, he was mainly recognized for specialized quality work of premier Dam constructions in India for the stoppage of flood-affected situations at that time in India.

See Also: Why Engineering Is Best

He was honored with his very first job working as an assistant engineer in a Public sector unit such as the Public Works Department of Bombay and after that, he later accepted to look after the engineering prominence work in the Indian Irrigation Commission.

Some very prominent and critical work has been done under his expertise as he implemented an extraordinary system and mode of irrigation in the Deccan Plateau.

He thus designed and patented his very own work in the year 1903 related to the system of automatic weir water floodgates being installed for the very first time in 1903 at Khadakvasla Reservoir near Pune.

Getting further recognition for his superiority in irrigation work designing of Dam and Canal, he was authenticated with the deemed work of as the Chief Engineer of Krishna Raja Sagara dam in the Mysuru city,

He was honored as the prominent Chief Engineer to look after the civil engineering design of the flood protection systems in the city of Hyderabad.

The 21st Century is also well renowned for the prominent work of excellence as shown by Sabeer Bhatia and Jack Smith, during the dot com era of the year 2000 when they raised $300,000 to start a Web mail service in 1996 more commonly known as Hotmail. The then Software Genius firm Microsoft purchased Hotmail for some for dollar 400 million.

We would like to add another name to some prominent profiles of Indian-American business executive Pichai Sundararajan, commonly known as Sundar Pichai, who is the chief executive officer of Alphabet Inc. and its subsidiary Google LLC

As of three Indians who have done a lot of pride to India talent house Indian-American business executive Mr. Satya Narayana Nadella is doing India Proud holding the key role as the chief executive officer of Microsoft in the year 2014